Low E Failure

October 26, 2021
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Low – E Failure

When it comes to issues with windows, low e failure the most common. With more basic low e, or low emissivity, coatings, it is made from a tin oxide, or hard coated film that is on the inside of the insulated glass unit, or IG unit. Higher quality windows use a soft coated silver oxide spray to coat the inside of the glass and provide better protection from heat an UV light. Over the years, the windows with the most sun exposure will start to fail

Low e provides two major functions- it creates a buffer to heat loss/gain, and it also blocks out ultraviolet light. You want to be able to have low e glass that can dependably accomplish these functions. Choosing the right low e coating for your windows comes down to the brand of windows you trust. When you work with a company like LEI Home Enhancements, you can rest assured we have taken care to examine these steps before we bring our window to your home. Our experts will show you how these steps have been already taken so you can enjoy the benefit of a long lasting and highly efficient window. So let us help you fall in love with your home again and reach out to set up your no cost consultation today.